Skills development that supports collaborative engagement.

CDR develops and provides tailored training courses to improve skills in stakeholder engagement, conflict resolution, facilitation and decision-making. Check out our public course deliveries HERE.

We are trainers. CDR’s team are knowledgeable, expert trainers with specialities in adult learning. We ensure that training participants are equipped with skills that directly improve their day-to-day work. 

We are learners. We are driven by curiosity. Our projects, partners, and coworkers are constant sources of learning, fostering an institutional culture of growth.  

We are practitioners. Our training and course deliveries are grounded in real world experience. At CDR, we train others in the work that we do every day.

Examples of our training work: 

  1. Interamerican Development Bank, Conflict Intelligence Training
    CDR designed, developed, and delivered a conflict skills training tailored specifically for the International Development Bank (IDB). Working closely with IDB’s Mediation Office, CDR designed a training for the organization’s field offices to improve and support workplace culture through skills for effective communication, innovation, and collaboration. The training was paired with “pulse surveys” to measure the adoption of conflict skills in participants over time.
  2. Zimbabwe Land Commission Mediation Training
    CDR delivered a 40-hour / 5-day mediation training in Harare, Zimbabwe, for the Zimbabwe Land Commission. The training served 40 Zimbabwean land staff, whose mediation skillset would provide relief for the inundated court system on land rights and ownership cases. Under a tight deadline, CDR prepared training curriculum, agendas, materials, advertising, and custom training simulations. This project was partnered with Landesa.
  3. Public Involvement in the Transportation Decision-Making Process NTI / NHI Training
    CDR has delivered this successful and interactive workshop for the National Transit Institute and National Highway Institute in more than 30 states since 1999. The course addresses both the philosophical underpinnings of effective public involvement and the practical applications of public involvement concepts and approaches in the planning, project development and construction phases.