Stakeholder engagement brings the right voices to the table.
We are an organization that knows how to meaningfully engage stakeholders: we are able to incorporate input into decisions. Our inclusive, proactive approach brings win-win results from many voices, opinions, and interests.
We engage the public. At CDR, we provide processes to engage people where they are. From one-on-one interviews to large public meetings, focus groups to online webinars, standing Q&A calls to virtual platforms, CDR ensures that stakeholders have a voice in the process.
We define parameters. Successful stakeholder engagement begins with defining the parameters within which input shapes decision-making. We work to ensure that stakeholders understand who decision-makers are, why stakeholders are being engaged, and where their input will inform the process.
We facilitate interagency coordination. CDR supports complex funding, decision-making, and planning processes across agencies, organizations, and representatives.
We tie input to decisions. We process myriad voices into meaningful, useful input for decision-making. Through the identification of themes, red flags, and outliers, we support the alignment of projects with stakeholder interests.
Examples of our stakeholder engagement work:
- CDOT Central I-25 PEL Public Involvement
The PEL stakeholder engagement process engaged key representatives of affected groups to determine the impacts, both positive and negative, of potential improvements to the corridor. In addition to disseminating information about the PEL to broader stakeholder communities, receiving and incorporating input from affected stakeholders, and facilitating a stakeholder focus group, CDR managed and analyzed the public input survey, which received over 1,800 individual comments on issues ranging from safety and accessibility to environmental protection and public transit. - Thornton Comprehensive Plan
CDR facilitated the City of Thornton’s Comprehensive Plan Rewrite–a process which was selected to receive a 2019 APA Colorado Merit Award in the category of Community Engagement. CDR managed the stakeholder engagement visioning and conducted stakeholder engagement for the project, including community meetings, workshops, focus groups, and one-on-one interviews, to capture input for the community’s vision of the future of Thornton.
- Crystal River Stream Management Plan
CDR facilitated stakeholder group discussions to develop components of the Crystal River Stream Management Plan. The stakeholder group explored issues on Crystal and identified management actions to address. The goal of the effort was to collaboratively develop approaches that respected local agricultural practices and traditions, preserved existing uses, and enhanced the ecological integrity of the river.