Tracy Winfree joins CDR Associates following an almost 30-year history of meaningful work in Front Range communities. Tracy’s diverse background with the City of Boulder included serving as director of three different departments: Director of Public Works for Transportation for over 13 years, interim Director of Parks and Recreation for six months, and Director of Open Space and Mountain Parks for over 3 years. After her retirement from the City of Boulder, Tracy served a six-month interim role as neighboring City of Louisville’s Director for Parks, Recreation & Open Space, while Louisville’s City Manager did a national placement search. Tracy was on the 36 Commuting Solutions board, serving twice as chair, and served on the Regional Air Quality Council board.
Tracy’s leadership of diverse local government operations has included developing and implementing policy; advancing progressive planning and projects for multimodal corridors and innovative transit systems; overseeing complex management of Open Space lands balancing habitat preservation and recreation and visitor access and agriculture activities; leading organizational change to improve structure, workflow, and collaboration; supporting transparent community engagement; advancing business process improvements to improve strategic budgeting, work planning, and prioritization; participating in employee group contract negotiations through interest-based bargaining; and working collaboratively on the regional level to advance projects of mutual interest to benefit the broader community.
CDR’s emphasis on helping governments and agencies at all levels often has transportation, land, and/or water management at the heart of an underlying community interest. Tracy brings her commitment to community service, and her skills and experience to CDR with the goal of helping organizations capitalize on opportunities of mutual interest and navigate the challenges that many agencies face. Tracy’s insights related to how organizations work forms the basis of sound advice and strategy for continuous improvement, benefitting workplace culture and effectiveness while also improving service to the community.
Tracy graduated with honors from Princeton University with a degree in Architecture and completed the University of Virginia Business School – Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service: Leading Educating and Developing (LEAD) Program.
Away from the profession, Tracy can be found playing outdoors with family and friends — hiking mountain trails, body surfing ocean waves, biking roads and bikeways — and probably not playing card and board games, or anything else inactive, for that matter. Tracy and her husband, Bryan, enjoy traveling and adventuring locally and beyond, especially when it includes their two children.
Welcome Tracy to the CDR team at twinfree@mediate.org.